extra buttons
extra buttons

OptimizeyourworkspacewitheXtraButtons·eXtraButtonsisafreewaresoftwarethatprovidesadditionalbuttonsplacedinthecaptionofallwindows.·eXtra ...,eXtraButtonsisfreewaresoftwarethatpresentsasetofseveralfunctionalbuttonslocatedinwindowscaptions.Itreprese...

eXtra Buttons for Windows

eXtraButtonsisafreeprogramforWindowsthatallowsyoutoaddtothelistofbuilt-inbuttonsinyourwindows,therebyincreasingthenumberoffunctions ...

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eXtra Buttons

Optimize your workspace with eXtra Buttons · eXtra Buttons is a freeware software that provides additional buttons placed in the caption of all windows. · eXtra ...

What is eXtra Buttons

eXtra Buttons is freeware software that presents a set of several functional buttons located in windows captions. It represents buttons that are built into ...

Google Extra Buttons

2023年9月4日 — Enhance Google search with extra buttons to customize the time, filetype etc of your search. If you need google search customization that ...

Google Extra Buttons

Enhance Google search with extra buttons to customize the time, filetype etc of your search. If you need google search customization that allow you to ...

eXtra Buttons for Windows

eXtra Buttons is a free program for Windows that allows you to add to the list of built-in buttons in your windows, thereby increasing the number of functions ...


This field plug-in allows you to add buttons to your text, integer, or decimal field to capture standard responses like don't know, refused, ...

用免費軟體提升工作效率:eXtra Buttons 讓應用程式視窗都 ...

2018年5月18日 — Draw on screen、Screen Draw Screenshot Lite 行動裝置上的免費螢幕畫筆,讓您的觸控螢幕「筆」較厲害!最輕量化的Apowersoft 免費線上螢幕錄影,功能不 ...


It allows easy creation of wizards, actions and/or links to external resources as well as api only views. Three decorators are available:.

eXtra Buttons 2.2.5 for Windows

eXtra Buttons lets you add up to 9 additional buttons to the title bar of each window, which allow you to minimize the window to the tray, keep it on-top, ...


OptimizeyourworkspacewitheXtraButtons·eXtraButtonsisafreewaresoftwarethatprovidesadditionalbuttonsplacedinthecaptionofallwindows.·eXtra ...,eXtraButtonsisfreewaresoftwarethatpresentsasetofseveralfunctionalbuttonslocatedinwindowscaptions.Itrepresentsbuttonsthatarebuiltinto ...,2023年9月4日—EnhanceGooglesearchwithextrabuttonstocustomizethetime,filetypeetcofyoursearch.Ifyouneedgooglesearchcustomi...